Spend Analysis

How is your company spending its money? That simple question is one that every company has to solve, and every Supply Chain organization should be deeply committed to helping provide the answer. Most companies approach the question as a full-on project, stealing precious personnel and financial resources to get a spend analysis that is inflexible, expensive and not reproducible, particularly if it's done by others.

It needn't be that difficult...

Garrett Business Technology shows you how you can design an approach that makes spend analysis an ongoing, inexpensive and flexible part of your purchasing and contracting processes. Even better, this process design actually helps all of your supply chain data connect more effectively. Here's a white paper well worth your time! Contact us and we'll show you how to get started.

Spend Analysis - Know What You Spent and What You Bought

[Dividing Line Image]


©   For information contact Jack Garrett at jpgarrett@gbtllc.com
Garrett Business Technology
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